Thursday, August 28, 2008

Picture Contest

Hey everyone! This is Lauren, CE's fall intern. Today has been quite a busy day for us around the office; Sam is away with Dave for the start of Imagine the Impact, so it's been a ladies day for Colleen & me- relatively quiet! We are in the process of sending the fall edition of Youth Today to be organized in draft format, so that meant writing and proofing articles and finding great pictures from this past summer's activities! I didn't get a chance to get to ANY work camps or even Summer Assembly since I was in school full-time all summer, so it's been great for me to see the results, if only through pictures. Have you seen any pictures from this summer?

Week Two; Arlington, Ohio

The most important people @ any Work Camp!

Week Three; West Virginia

Check out the website and this blog, as well as Facebook & Myspace within the next few days to catch some pictures you might have missed. Have any great shots you can't help but share? Upload them on the Facebook site, or jot me an email @ & I'll post them! In fact...

Contest: Who has the coolest pictures from a 2008 CE Summer event?

Winner gets an official CE tshirt! All entries must be in to my email address (listed above) by next Friday (9/5) by noon; winners will be announced Monday 9/8 by noon!

Anyway, while I didn't get to go this year, Chrissy, the summer intern, was around at ALL the different work camps AND Summer Assembly, so make sure you check out this fall's Youth Today, where you can read about what she got to experience. It was so cool for me to read about what she did; if you didn't get a chance to meet Chrissy this summer, you're missing out- she's just an awesome girl with an amazing faith. I had the priviledge of knowing her a little bit beforehand, as she's a member of my soon-to-be new church, but from what I hear around the office, she's even cooler than I knew!

I don't know about anyone else out there, but when it comes to around 2-3pm, I get sucked into the afternoon slump. Know what I mean? For me, it used to mean a laaarge cup of coffee (preferably with a shot or two of espresso!) and something else caffinated to jumpstart my brain. I've recently been trying to cut down on the amount of caffiene I ingest--I hear it's not good when you can't fall asleep at night!--so I've needed something else to get me through. Today's was a snack that I could outright eat everyday, all day. Anybody else?

Sweedish fish help any day go by faster

Today I also filled out my paperwork to participate in the Word in Action one day work camp the CE is doing with our friends from the WordFM! When Colleen mentioned it to me, I was really excited and volunteered right away. Little did I know it starts at 7am! On a Saturday! Oh well- I'm really excited to see what God is going to do with our group come September20th. The event is held in Allentown, and as of now, we have 40 people signed up for this awesome one day event! I'd like to see this event double, because I think we can do it. My challenge to YOU, readers, is this: what is God calling YOU to do Saturday September 20th?

Have a blessed day.

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