Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Whose Losing Who?

Hey guys, welcome back! I hope everyone had as relaxing a weekend as I did. Despite the fact that I had to sneak in some wedding planning in the afternoons, I was able to relax and recharge my batteries for the coming months of school, work, and whatever I choose to throw on my plate. These holiday weekends are good for me, because I tend to run myself just like the Verizon guy told me to run the battery on my new phone last week: "don't forget to run it to almost empty the first couple of times you use it and then charge it!" The people at the Verizon store, or any cell phone store for that matter, are speaking the truth: most batteries run best when every couple of weeks, the user lets the battery run to empty, and then recharges. Doing this avoids something called the 'memory effect,' which is when your battery forgets about the other 50% of itself when the user constantly recharges its batteries after minimal use. The energy within people and within batteries is certainly different, but the act of recharging is the same; both entities would be nowhere without a little TLC.

As active participants in our crazy world, it is sometimes difficult to find that extra time for personal maintence. Have you ever been so busy that you've forgotten to eat? What about rushing around so much that you lose your keys or wallet- only to look down and realize they are still in your hand? This summer I was so busy taking classes that I left my thumb drive in a computer at my college's library- only to realize two hours after the fact, never to see my drive again! The littlest things in life cause us to evaluate our activity level; at times, we need to just stop and take some time for reflecting with God.

This past weekend Dave & Sam had the chance to take a group of teens and adults on the first weekend away for the inagural Imagine the Impact class. As CE- Mid Atlantic's goals for student leadership increase, so does our awareness that said leaders need time away for reflection, and in the case of the ItI class, to gear up for what promises to be an exciting year. I haven't had the chance to sit down with Dave or Sam yet and talk about how the weekend went, but I'm thrilled to be able to do that soon, and when I do, I'll be sure to pass that info along!

Take some time to recharge your batteries with God this week, especially if you're continuously running yourself down to empty. Together, let's practice being intentional in our desire to pour more of that battery power into being a disciple for Christ.

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