Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hello, my friends. Happy first day of October! I realize the 'offical' first day of fall was the other day, but Autumn always seems more real once it is October First. Currently, I am in apple-overload- I just can't get enough apple-y goodness. I've been eating macintosh apples for breakfast lunch & dinner it seems, eating apple cider (warmed up with ginger snaps? YUM) & if I get a chance this weekend, I'd like to make some apple dumplings. I'm that PA Dutch girl at heart, and right now if it combines apples + whatever, I'm into it. What's your favorite fall thing? I stopped at a roadside stand on my way to last night's workshop and picked up a few mum's for my soon-to-be house; WOW- those flowers brighten up any doorstep! Flowers and apples... could be worse for me, I suppose.

Speaking of last night, if you weren't able to make it out to Ephrata- WOW, you missed out big time, my friends! Dave's Workshop ("The Five Youth Ministry Trends that are Killing the Church") was phenomenal, and I am happy to say that I can say that for a fact- I'm not just endorsing because I work here, I'm speaking from been there done that, friends. The information presented last night was organized in such a way that it is easy to feel discouraged in the midst of hearing sad statistics- statistics that describe failing families, unmotivated youth, and falling-apart youth groups. The great thing about this workshop is that there is NO WAY you can leave NOT feeling motivated- Dave's examples, the ability for people to network and communicate with peers & fellow leaders, and take-away resources gleaned from the whole night just scream ways that your youth ministry can begin to grow, thrive, and STOP killing the church as you become an integral PART of the church. It was so great for me to hear this- after doing some research for Dave, it was awesome to hear the presentation delivered as a whole, and I know that everyone there was really receptive to the ideas presented.

If you are not signed up for the FINAL presentation of this calendar year, mark your datebooks now for OCTOBER 7 in GLASSBORO, NEW JERSEY. (Check the web to signup!). Also, it has just been announced that this same workshop will be presented in the Spring 2009- I'll be sure to let you know dates, times, and places as soon as I find that info out.

Yesterday Colleen, Sam, & I emptied out the Work Camp trailer. Let me tell you this much- I work out almost daily, and even still- WOW are my arms sore this morning! After unloading, we organized & took inventory as we prepared for the upcoming Fall & Spring Workcamps. We are so excited for these events- will you pray with us as we expand our young adult-focused work camps? Even better- will you join us for a week/end?

In other news, applications will soon be available to young adults to apply for the Life Builders Work Camp Internships. We are looking to expand this area from 1 to SIX interns this summer- check the web, and of course here, for news on when these application packets will be come available.

Have a good day!

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